You might be surprised to learn just how pleased some customers are after upgrading their heating equipment. Many people upgrade their systems thinking that all heating equipment is created the same, and then they are pleasantly surprised once their new equipment is up and running.
The reduction in heating costs can exceed 30 percent, and that is always appreciated. Sometimes, though, it is the other benefits that they rave about.
- Heating and cooling are delivered more evenly, and room temperatures are more consistent.
- New equipment is generally smaller and more attractive.
- Noise levels can be lower.
- Some new systems and thermostats offer remote control via smartphone, as well as readouts on energy usage and system status.
New heating equipment is also a strong contributor to home value. A 2015 study by the National Association of Home Builders found that homebuyers’ top priorities include energy efficiency and lower operating costs.
If you would like to upgrade your heating system, please give us a call or use our online contact form.