Health is undeniably on the forefront of everyone’s minds these days, and with all the ways to protect the air within a Massachusetts home it’s easy to get overwhelmed – and that’s the last thing our customers need at a time like this! When shopping around for indoor air quality solutions, North Shore Fuel can be your first and only stop!
Consider purchasing and installing UV lighting from us, to improve the condition of the air inside your home and lessen the risk of infection. Here are a few things you should know about UV lights and how they help:
Where are UV lights installed?
UV lights are installed near the coils of the HVAC system, where contaminants commonly settle and grow. This is also where air passes through, potentially carrying anything it picks up into the home.
How do UV lights improve indoor air quality?
UV light affects the DNA of mold, fungus and viruses, preventing them from growing, reproducing and setting on the surfaces of the HVAC system’s coil and ducts.
What determines the effectiveness of UV lights?
UV lights are not a one-size-fits-all purchase. Depending on the size of the HVAC system, different strengths of the UV light and size of the equipment will be needed. It’s always best to consult the experts at North Shore Fuel to get the size right!
Will UV lights be enough to clean the air?
While UV lights are great for removing microorganisms from the home, they are only a piece of the puzzle that is good indoor air quality! Consider also installing media filters to trap tiny particles that can also negatively impact the air circulating through your home, and check out the other IAQ solutions we provide!